



先日入手した伊之助製麺さんの伊之助めん生ラーメンで焼きラーメン。 表面の密度が高めでしっかりした麺。焼きラーメンにも適している気がする。 たくさんの湯で茹でる。 茹でた麺と豚肉を炒めて秘伝のタレを加えてさらに炒めて完成。 焼きラーメンを作たと…

The roots of Chicken Nanban can be traced back to Spain.

Chicken Nanban can be considered a derivative of the Spanish dish Escabeche, which was introduced to Japan in the 16th century by the Nanban people (mainly Portuguese and Spanish). Escabeche is a dish where fish or meat is fried and then p…

How to Make Kagoshima-Style Tonkotsu Ramen, part 3 My homemade pork bone soy sauce ramen is finally complete.

The soup is ready after simmering for a total of about 12 hours. In the bowl, I add char siu sauce, salt, seasoning oil, table salt, etc., and then add the soup. I put in the boiled noodles, and top it with char siu, green onions, boiled e…