

The transparent tonkotsu ramen became more delicious after taking the broth for an additional 2 hours.

Tonkotsu ramen made over low heat to avoid cloudiness. Last time, the heat was perhaps too low, and the taste of the broth was too weak. A little stronger heat and another 2 hours, spending about 10 hours in total. Here's the ramen that was made.


The taste of the broth has become much stronger than last time, and it's quite delicious. The 10 hours spent were worth it. Perhaps this much time is necessary to bring out the taste of tonkotsu.

Next, I'm thinking of pairing this soup with noodles for Hakata ramen.




にほんブログ村 グルメブログ ラーメンへ


「豚そば 月や」 クリア豚骨ラーメン 3食入

「豚そば 月や」 クリア豚骨ラーメン 3食入


ラーメン 博多だるま だるまラーメン 2食 半生麺 お取り寄せ 豚骨ラーメン 博多ラーメン ご当地ラーメン

1,000円博多ラーメン(ツルツル半生麺 6人前)【2種のスープ 博多豚骨味 久留米豚骨味】

ラーメン 秀ちゃんラーメン 博多ラーメン 2食 半生麺 お取り寄せ 豚骨ラーメン ご当地ラーメン


透明 (Transparent): Clear or see-through, often used to describe liquids or materials that light can pass through.
とんこつラーメン (Tonkotsu Ramen): A type of Japanese noodle soup made with pork bone broth.
2時間 (2 Hours): A period of time equal to 120 minutes.
出汁 (Broth): A liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been simmered, used as a base for soups or sauces.
美味しく (Delicious): Tasty or pleasing to the taste buds.
濁り (Cloudiness): The state of being cloudy or murky, often used to describe liquids.
弱火 (Low Heat): A low level of heat used in cooking.
前回 (Last Time): The previous occasion or instance.
火 (Heat): The energy produced by burning; used in cooking.
弱すぎた (Too Weak): Lacking in strength or intensity to an excessive degree.
味 (Taste): The sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth.
強く (Stronger): More intense or powerful.
10時間 (10 Hours): A period of time equal to 600 minutes.
できた (Made): Created or produced.
だいぶ (Much): To a great extent or degree.
美味い (Tasty): A casual word for delicious or tasty in Japanese.
かいがあった (Was Worth It): An expression meaning that the effort was justified by the result.
引き出す (Bring Out): To extract or emphasize a particular quality.
必要 (Necessary): Required or needed for a particular purpose.
スープ (Soup): A liquid dish, typically made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables, etc., in stock or water.
博多ラーメン (Hakata Ramen): A local variety of ramen from Hakata district of Fukuoka city, characterized by its thin noodles and rich pork-bone broth.
麺 (Noodles): A type of food made from flour and water, typically served in soup or with sauce.
合わせて (Pairing): To combine or join together.
豚そば (Pork Soba): A type of Japanese noodle dish made with pork.
月や (Tsukiya): Possibly a name or brand associated with the dish.
クリア豚骨ラーメン (Clear Pork Bone Ramen): A specific type of ramen made with a clear pork bone broth.
だるまラーメン (Daruma Ramen): A specific brand or style of ramen.
半生麺 (Semi-fresh Noodles): Noodles that are partially cooked and typically used in ramen dishes.
お取り寄せ (Mail Order): Ordering goods by mail or online.
ご当地ラーメン (Local Ramen): Ramen that is characteristic of a particular region or locality in Japan.