Kumamoto Ramen is known for its rich soup made by simmering pork bones for an extended period. It is heavily influenced by Kurume Ramen, but there are differences such as the addition of chicken bone soup, the use of burnt garlic oil called "Kuro Ma-yu" floated on top, and slightly thicker noodles. It is said that "Aji-sen Ramen," which opened in Kumamoto City in the 1960s, popularized Kumamoto Ramen. Currently, it is served in many restaurants, mainly within Kumamoto Prefecture.
The rich soup, simmered with pork bones for a long time, thoroughly extracts the umami of the pork bones, giving it richness and depth. Additionally, spices like garlic and pepper are added, giving the soup a strong accent. The noodles blend well with the soup and entangle nicely with the rich broth.
I had Kumamoto Ramen at a certain place. It had the typical characteristics of Kumamoto Ramen. Unlike Hakata Ramen, Kumamoto Ramen has thicker noodles, so many restaurants don't offer noodle refills. Also, the amount of noodles is relatively generous.
It was delicious. Thank you.
味千ラーメン 黒マー油 2袋 4人前 ラーメン とんこつラーメン 熊本ラーメン らーめん 半生麺 お取り寄せ ご当地 グルメ とんこつスープ9
ピリ辛味噌とんこつ熊本 赤龍ラーメン 1人前15入 ノンフライ麺