

I recently had the local ramen of Ichikikushikino City in Kagoshima Prefecture, Kusikino Tuna Ramen, after a long time.

Kushikino Tuna Ramen is the local ramen of Ichikikushikino City in Kagoshima Prefecture. The ramen soup uses a broth made by simmering tuna head and bones, and it's characterized by its topping of raw tuna marinated in soy sauce and other ingredients.

Kushikino boasts the highest number of long-distance tuna fishing boats in Japan and was a town bustling with tuna. However, in recent years, with the decline in catch and the trend of landing in ports closer to major consumption areas, the tuna fishing industry has been on a decline.

Amidst this, local restaurant owners, food-related companies, and local food industry associations came together to develop Kushikino Tuna Ramen.

Kushikino Tuna Ramen was first sold around 2000 and was quickly accepted by the locals. It later gained national fame through television and magazine features. Currently, many ramen shops in Kushikino City offer Kushikino Tuna Ramen, and it's popular among tourists.

Kushikino Tuna Ramen uses a broth made by simmering tuna heads. Tuna heads are rich in collagen and amino acids, making the broth rich. Additionally, it's topped with raw tuna marinated in soy sauce, sake, and sugar.

The combination of the rich broth and the refreshing marinated raw tuna is exquisite. The noodles are medium-thin and curly, which goes well with the soup.


The other day, I went to have the tuna ramen after a long time. The soup was clear, and I felt that the fishy smell of the tuna had been reduced, making it more delicious. I prefer the marinated tuna slightly seared. The green onions weren't too strong in flavor and didn't overpower the taste of the tuna. After a while, I enjoyed the change in flavor by dissolving a little wasabi in the soup. It was quite delicious.Kushikino is also famous as a production area for Satsuma-age (fried fish cake).

父の日 ギフト 港ダイニングしおそう さつま揚げ 8種類31個入り 鹿児島県 薩摩揚げ 高浜蒲鉾 揚げかまぼこ かまぼこ 練り物 つけあげ ごはんのおとも おかず おやつ 鍋の具 おつまみ 酒のつまみ ギフト プレゼント お取り寄せ お取り寄せグルメ


父の日 ギフト 港ダイニングしおそう さつま揚げ 8種類31個入り 鹿児島県 薩摩揚げ 高浜蒲鉾 揚げかまぼこ かまぼこ 練り物 つけあげ ごはんのおとも おかず おやつ 鍋の具 おつまみ 酒のつまみ ギフト プレゼント お取り寄せ お取り寄せグルメ


串木野 まぐろラーメン わさび付(1人前・袋入)

串木野 まぐろラーメン わさび付(1人前・袋入)


にほんブログ村 グルメブログ ラーメンへ












鹿児島県 (Kagoshima Prefecture): A prefecture located on the island of Kyushu in Japan.
いちき串木野市 (Ichikikushikino City): A city in Kagoshima Prefecture.
ご当地ラーメン (Local ramen): A type of ramen that is unique to a specific region or city.
串木野マグロラーメン (Kushikino Tuna Ramen): A unique ramen from Ichikikushikino City that uses tuna as its main ingredient.
スープ (Soup): The broth used in ramen.
マグロ (Tuna): A popular fish in Japan, often used in sushi and sashimi.
出汁 (Broth): A liquid in which ingredients have been simmered and strained out.
トッピング (Topping): Ingredients added on top of a dish.
遠洋マグロ漁船 (Long-distance tuna fishing boat): Boats that go out into the open ocean to catch tuna.
漁獲量 (Catch volume): The amount of fish caught.
水揚げ (Landing): The act of bringing caught fish to shore.
飲食店店主 (Restaurant owner): The person who owns or runs a restaurant.
食品関連会社 (Food-related company): Companies that deal with food products or services.
組合 (Association): An organized group of people with a common purpose.
開発 (Development): The process of creating something new.
テレビ (Television): An electronic system of broadcasting images and sound.
雑誌 (Magazine): A publication, usually periodic, containing articles, photographs, and advertisements.
観光客 (Tourist): A person who travels for pleasure.
コラーゲン (Collagen): A protein found in skin and connective tissues.
アミノ酸 (Amino acid): Organic compounds that combine to form proteins.
醤油 (Soy sauce): A liquid condiment made from soybeans, wheat, water, and salt.
酒 (Sake): Japanese rice wine.
砂糖 (Sugar): A sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants.
麺 (Noodles): A type of food made from dough and shaped into thin strips.
わさび (Wasabi): A pungent green paste made from the wasabi plant, often served with sushi.
さつま揚げ (Satsuma-age): A type of fried fish cake from Kagoshima.
父の日 (Father's Day): A day to celebrate fathers and father figures.
ギフト (Gift): A thing given willingly to someone without payment.
お取り寄せ (Mail order): Ordering products from a distance, often online or through catalogs.
にほんブログ村 (Japan Blog Village): A community or platform for bloggers in Japan.