


I tried making transparent tonkotsu ramen. What was the result?

Clear tonkotsu ramen, the origin of tonkotsu ramen, has recently come back into the spotlight. I decided to make the so-called blue hot spring soup. The method and ingredients are almost the same as regular tonkotsu ramen. The difference i…


業務スーパーのクリスピーチキン。1キログラム約600円 と非常に安価な商品。 こんなに安いのに原料は国産鶏むね肉を使っている。 クリスピーチキンにしては衣は薄め。 170℃の油で約5分揚げたら完成。 包丁で切ったらこんな感じの断面。むね肉を使っているた…




先日入手した伊之助製麺さんの伊之助めん生ラーメンで焼きラーメン。 表面の密度が高めでしっかりした麺。焼きラーメンにも適している気がする。 たくさんの湯で茹でる。 茹でた麺と豚肉を炒めて秘伝のタレを加えてさらに炒めて完成。 焼きラーメンを作たと…

The roots of Chicken Nanban can be traced back to Spain.

Chicken Nanban can be considered a derivative of the Spanish dish Escabeche, which was introduced to Japan in the 16th century by the Nanban people (mainly Portuguese and Spanish). Escabeche is a dish where fish or meat is fried and then p…

How to Make Kagoshima-Style Tonkotsu Ramen, part 3 My homemade pork bone soy sauce ramen is finally complete.

The soup is ready after simmering for a total of about 12 hours. In the bowl, I add char siu sauce, salt, seasoning oil, table salt, etc., and then add the soup. I put in the boiled noodles, and top it with char siu, green onions, boiled e…


業務スーパーで発見したこちらの豚バラブロック。価格は1kgで980円(税別)。100gあたり約100円。つまり1g約1円。一般的な豚バラブロックは100gあたり120円から200円のことが多いと思うので相場より少しリーズナブル。 豚肉の品質では定評のあるスペイン産な…

How to Make Kagoshima-Style Tonkotsu Ramen, part 3 The soup is nearing completion, so I'm adding more broth.

I soak kelp and shiitake mushrooms in water for several hours to make the broth. I bring the broth to a boil, add bonito flakes, and let it sit for a while. hen the broth is ready, I remove the bonito flakes, shiitake mushrooms, and kelp, …

Torisashi, which allows you to enjoy the sweetness and umami of chicken, is incredibly delicious.

Kagoshima Prefecture is located in the southern part of Japan and has a long history and unique food culture. One of them is torisashi, or raw chicken sashimi. In the Satsuma domain, torisashi has been eaten since the Edo period and is a f…



How to Make Kagoshima-Style Tonkotsu Ramen, part 2 Now, I'm going to make chashu.

The chashu I'm making is extremely simple. First, sear the surface of the pork well, then simmer it in soy sauce that's been diluted two or three times. This should take about an hour and a half to two hours. Use aluminum foil to create a …


業務スーパーの冷凍ニラ餃子を購入。30個入りでなんと約 270円と激安。同様の商品には肉餃子もある。 京都の業者が製造している製品。この業者の餃子を食べるのはおそらく初めてだと思う。 焼き方は例によっていつもと同じ。 フライパンを熱して油を引く。油…




ある大型ホームセンターのフードコートのラーメン。 同じホームセンターの 別店舗では以前何回か ラーメンを食べたことがあったが この店舗では初めて。大盛りでも600円程度とかなりの安さ。値段の割に意外と美味しいスープは鹿児島でよく目にするタイプのと…


暑い夏がやってきた。全国的に30℃を超えている地域も多く、場所によっては 35℃を超える猛暑となっている。こんなに暑くなってくるとやはり ビールがうまい。 何をビールのつまみにしようと思案。久しぶりに餃子にした。 フライパンを熱して油を引く。油はキ…


久しぶりのトマトソースづくり。ドラッグストアで買った安いカットトマトを使う。 にんにくをオリーブオイルで加熱しておき、裏ごししたトマトを加える。ローリエで香りをつけて、塩や胡椒などで味をつけて15分加熱。 完成。鮮やかな色になる。 こちらは今回…

How to Make Hakata-Style Tonkotsu Ramen, part 5

I had a bit of leftover pork bone soup that I made the other day, so I put it in a Ziploc bag and froze it. Today, I thawed that soup and made it into ramen. I used thin noodles for Hakata ramen that are sold at the drugstore. I wish I cou…

How to Make Hakata-Style Tonkotsu Ramen 4

By the next day, the soup becomes even more mellow, and the taste improves. Just by simmering 2kg of pork bones, aromatic vegetables, and a few ingredients, it becomes this delicious, which shows that pork bones are a food ingredient with …

How to Make Hakata-Style Tonkotsu Ramen, part 3

After simmering the pork bones for about 10 hours, the soup is ready. Add 1.5 to 2 tablespoons of the sauce we made last time to a ramen bowl, and dilute it with 300cc of soup to make ramen soup. Put the noodles, which have been boiled to …


自宅から約30km離れたある港では鯛がよく水揚げされるらしい。その港の近くの物産館で500円で売っていた真鯛。ムニエル風に調理してもらった。 表面はパリッとして身は柔らかい。安く売られていた鯛とは思えない美味しさだった。 明日もまた食べたいので買い…

How to Make Hakata-Style Tonkotsu Ramen, Part 2

While simmering the soup, prepare the broth. This will be added to the pot after about 8 hours of simmering the soup. Fill a pot with water, add kelp and shiitake mushrooms, and let it sit for several hours. Next, prepare the sauce for the…

How to Make Hakata-Style Tonkotsu Ramen,Part 1

When it comes to Tonkotsu Ramen, Hakata Ramen comes to mind. The origin is said to be in Kurume, which is a widely accepted theory. There are also perspectives that distinguish between Nagahama Ramen and Hakata Ramen. In the past, its smel…


ラーメンのスープと具材でそばにした。 そばの出汁はいつもは昆布、鰹節、みりん、しょうゆなどで作っている。今回はラーメンのスープを使っているので鶏がらスープにチャーシューのたれの組み合わせ。濃厚でなかなかうまい。鴨南蛮を食べているような気分に…

Char siu made with a feather pot is delicious.

I decided to make char siu for the first time in a long time. Although it's called char siu, it's just pork that's been grilled and simmered in soy sauce, which is a different method from the original meaning of char siu, but in Japan, thi…


ディスカウントストアダイレックスで見つけた棒状ラーメン。ダイレックスのプライベートブランド品。100円くらいで購入したと思う。 添付のスープをどんぶりに入れ、麺を茹でる湯とは別の湯でスープを溶くタイプ。 このクラスのラーメンには珍しい液体スープ…

Ichiran Ramen is exquisite with its odorless pork bone soup, straight thin noodles, and secret sauce.

I visited Ichiran after a long time. Ichiran is a super famous shop known even by those who are not familiar with ramen, with various features such as a counter with partitions, the birthplace of chili pepper ramen, and a former members-on…

Finally got my hands on the popular Akayu Spicy Miso Ramen Ryushanhai in the unknown ramen kingdom of Yamagata Prefecture! I made my own char siu and ate it seriously.

When you think of Yamagata Prefecture, what comes to mind? Perhaps the Mogami River is famous. There is also Zao. If you are familiar with history, you may know the "Nanshu Oikun". In terms of food, soba. You may have heard of the potato s…


ケンタッキーフライドチキンの創業者であるカーネル ・ハーランド・サンダースの伝記のような本などは何冊か読んだことがあるが、実はケンタッキーフライドチキンはあまり食べていない。 ※画像はイメージです 今回はたまたま家族が買ってきたので久しぶりに…

Let's Eat Eel on the Day of the Ox in 2023: Saturday, July 30th

It's Doyo no Ushi no Hi again this year. Eel was expensive, so we had one slice each. Click the link below to view the Japanese version of the article 土用の丑の日のうなぎはうまい - 私立文系大学卒会社員が米国株で徐々に収入を得ながらプライ…

I tried the dried ramen from Ichiran Ramen. Ramen is a type of food, a dish.

The dried ramen type from Ichiran, which had been sold in some places like Don Quijote, has now also appeared in Seven Eleven. I bought it a while ago, so I forgot the price, but I think it was around 800 yen. Click the link below to view …